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Digital disruption is a phrase we are hearing more of, not just here in Australia but across the world of work. It refers to how new digital technologies are enabling us to change how we do things, such as interacting with customers or linking a business’ internal system with its suppliers’ for faster, more efficient ordering.
A similar ‘disruption’ or innovation can be applied to your CV in order to help it get noticed. Digitalising your CV allows you to add links and other digital elements that can demonstrate your skills and experience. The ‘disruption’ comes because you can now support what you are saying on your CV with digital evidence – which speaks far louder than any unsubstantiated claims you make on your own behalf.
There are very simple ways you can do this:
While we recommend using the accepted CV format (i.e. contact details, then work experience beginning with the most recent and focusing on primary responsibilities and accomplishments, and finally references), you should add links to websites, videos or blog posts throughout the experience section to demonstrate your expertise in particular areas.
For example, if you were responsible for organising events in a previous role, add the link to a video about the event or a web page with post-event testimonials, photos and reviews. If you prepared a report that has been published online then include the link to it. If you have written blog posts on any topics related to your role or sector also include those links. So long as the links you include are relevant and support the responsibilities and accomplishments you list on your CV, they will help you stand out.
When listing your contact details, include your LinkedIn, Twitter and any other relevant social profile links – make sure you’re social media savvy first. You could also link to your blog. A positive digital footprint adds tangible evidence about the skills listed on your CV, especially if you blog to demonstrate your expertise or add media to your LinkedIn profile. A positive online footprint can also be an endorsement of your soft skills, such as communication, creativity and professional conduct, so it’s worth adding these links to your CV.
You could generate and add a QR code to your LinkedIn profile or, if relevant to your role, to a digital portfolio of your work. You can then add the QR code to the top of your CV. There are free QR code generators online that will generate one for you.
Make sure you add these same digital elements to your LinkedIn profile. In fact, it is very important to align your online and offline profiles. Hiring managers will research you online, so make sure the CV you submit and your online profile both match. If not it will throw up a red flag that could jeopardise the possibility of securing an interview, or at the very least will lead to more detailed questioning in an interview.
If you are unsure where to begin, free online tools such as can help you visualise and digitalise your CV.
Of course there is no one-size-fits-all approach to digitalising your CV, since the degree of digitalisation will depend on your industry. However the above suggestions will help your CV stand out from the crowd, which will put you in a stronger position to secure an interview.
Nick Deligiannis, Managing Director, began working at Hays in 1993 and since then he has held a variety of consulting and management roles across the business. In 2004 he was appointed to the Hays Board of Directors. He was made Managing Director of Australia and New Zealand in 2012.
Prior to joining Hays, he had a background in human resource management and marketing, and has formal qualifications in Psychology.
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