What is the STAR method when interviewing?

The four steps of STAR interview questions
Describe to your interviewer a relevant situation you have experienced. You have to establish the scene for the hiring manager, which will enable them to understand the context of your answer and it will allow you to retain focus when answering.
Example: You were responsible for a colleague who was making a lot of errors processing product orders.
Example: You resolved to create a template to further guide your colleague in order processing.
Example: You set up specific meetings with your colleague to walk through the process, while establishing a system that would help reduce their error count.
Example: due to the actions you took, your colleague reduced their error rate from 2.1 per cent to 0.4 per cent.
STAR method interview questions and answers
Can you give an example of a problem you have helped your organisation resolve?
Give an example of how you showed initiative and took the lead?
Tell us about a time that you made a mistake at work and how it was rectified?
With the STAR method, you can also describe what happened after your mistake. Remember to focus on the quantifiable results that ensued. For example, "After this mistake, I completed a short customer service course to improve my skills. Since then, I’ve led our customer service team to respond to customer enquiries 30 per cent faster than we did in the previous 12 months.”
Describe a time when you experienced conflict in the workplace
Talk me through a situation where you have worked under pressure
What’s the closest you’ve come to experiencing burnout at work? How did you address that?
Benefits of using the STAR method
- STAR method answers help you demonstrate how you can add value to an organisation.
- Job seekers who use the STAR method often give more specific and focused interview answers.
- When you master the STAR method, you make a confident impression in interviews. That’s because you know exactly what to say, instead of meandering around looking for an answer.
- The STAR method is great for self-discovery. It's a way to ask questions of yourself you haven't before. By asking these questions, you uncover high-value insights about yourself to share with your interviewer.
- You can also showcase strong communication skills with the STAR method. It helps you answer interview questions clearly, which shows your potential employer you can bring valuable communication skills to the organisation.
Practice your STAR method answers
When using the STAR method for answering questions, it’s easy to fall into the trap of your answers sounding too rehearsed when you recite them. Use the STAR method to get the structure and what you want to say down, but don’t write out a full script for you to read.
Use the STAR method in cover letters, resumes and job applications, too
Consider this information a resource to revisit and recycle throughout your job search process. Good luck.
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