8 questions candidates will ask you

The answers you provide to your job candidates when they ask you questions in a job interview significantly shapes how they feel about the job on offer.
If you are interviewing a dream candidate for a role that is tricky to fill, it’s imperative to treat the job interview as a two-way conversation. After all, you are selling the candidate the role as much as they are selling you their suitability.
So, what are common interview questions job candidates ask?
1. How would you describe your management style?
When a job candidate asks about your management style, it helps them uncover a lot about the workplace culture they are likely to work within.
Your answer can reveal to the candidate how supportive your organisation is, how strong the leadership is and whether they are a good fit for your style of management.
While there are many styles of management, there are also good principles of management to keep in mind when you describe your management style to a job candidate.
As we’ve previously highlighted, great leaders assume responsibility for their words and actions, inspire team members, make good decisions, display emotional intelligence and influence big picture thinking. Consider which positive traits you exhibit before you explain your management style to job candidates.
2. How would you describe the organisational culture?
Today’s candidates want to work for organisations that deliver exemplary values, fair expectations, reward and recognition programs, work-life balance, onboarding support, and strong leadership.
Keep examples of these characteristics of your organisational culture in mind when you talk to job candidates.
3. Is this role new? If not, how has it evolved over time?
4. How do you support the learning and development of your staff and what career pathways are available?
According to our annual Hays Salary Guide, a lack of learning, development and promotional opportunities is a key reason that people enter the job market in search of a new job. It’s understandable, therefore, that to secure skilled professionals, you need to offer clear and transparent career progression pathways and ensure your job candidates are aware of what you can offer to support their career advancement.
So, share examples of how your organisation is dedicated to learning and development. Tell them about employees who have used learning and development opportunities to advance their careers at your organisation.
Leave them with a clear impression of how they can develop in your organisation.
5. How does the team fit into the overall structure of the organisation?
Job interview questions like this reveal to your candidates who they will support and receive support from, share goals with, communicate with, learn from and help to learn.
They provide your job candidate with better sight of the nature of the relationships they need to develop organisation-wide.
Provide your job candidate with an answer that helps them think about the nature of relationships they will need to nurture to help the team, and wider organisation, succeed.
6. What does success look like in this role and in this team?
This question gives job candidates insights into how realistic your expectations of their output and achievements are, and how challenging the role they are interviewing for is.
Your answer is also a potential window into the corporate culture that underpins your organisation’s success.
Highlight your organisation’s priorities, expectations and work philosophy. Explain what success in the role looks like in concrete terms and provide insights into how they can achieve it.
Job candidates can use this information to better understand how likely they are to succeed in the role.
7. What are the main challenges your organisation is currently facing and how are you responding?
Show employees that your organisation has the capacity to adapt to challenges and the strategy in place to respond and grow. If workplace flexibility and diversity are strong suits for your organisation, point this out too.
8. How often will my performance be reviewed?
When you are asked this question, it’s good practice to provide candidates with factual information about your organisation’s performance review process.
For more advice on conducting a job interview, browse our recruitment advice.
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8 questions candidates will ask you