Industry insights

As a specialist in your field, do you have what it takes to advance your career to the next level? Do you know what skills and experience you need to achieve to reach your dream job role? We aim to help you answer these questions and more, by sharing insights from the experts at Hays as well as industry experts who have forged a successful career in your chosen profession. We have built a unique catalogue of reports which we invite you to explore and participate in a comprehensive learning experience relevant to employees, jobseekers and hiring managers.

Download our latest recruitment industry reports online to further your expertise when applying for a role, or sourcing candidates. In our collection, we share tips and advice on popular career choices for engineers, architects, marketing directors, finance leaders and more.

In addition, the Hays Journal and Hays Jobs Report offers substantial insights and observations on the latest skills in demand and recruitment industry trends in your industry or profession which makes for interesting reading. For further information on these topics download free copies of these reports online or speak to a member of the Hays team today.

The Chief People Officer Viewpoint report

Comprehensive view of the Chief People Officer's responsibilities.

The CFO Viewpoint report

Valuable insights into the evolving role of the CFO.

Top jobs in demand 2025

Discover what skills are needed to guide your future career.

Find the most in-demand jobs

Construction industry report

Key findings from the Hays construction industry report.

Mining industry report

The biggest challenges and opportunities facing the Australian mining industry. 

Future of work report

Develop a future-ready workforce strategy for 2024 and stay ahead of the competition. 

Sustainability report promo box

Sustainability report

A three-step strategy for building greener, cleaner and a more sustainable workforce.

Documents on a desk with a coffee, phone, glasses and a note pad

Credit manager report

What qualities make a great credit manager? Download the Hays report online. 

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Documents on a desk with a coffee, phone, glasses and a note pad

Payroll manager report

We investigate the common characteristics to identify what it takes to be a payroll manager. 

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A woman holding a document in one hand and a laptop in the other

What it takes to be an EA

We spoke to over 500 EAs across ANZ to uncover what it takes to be an EA.

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A woman working on a touch screen board

What's challenging today's finance leaders?

Insights from the current status and future direction of the finance profession.

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Two employees holding an employee manual

DNA of an HRD

Career paths can vary, but those who become Human Resources Director share something in common.

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A woman in her office looking out a big window to the city

DNA of a CIO

This report gives aspiring CIOs an insight into what it takes to reach the top job in IT.

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Two employees working together in the office

DNA of a CFO

We spoke to 500 CFOs across Australia and New Zealand to uncover their DNA.

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An employee leading a meeting and displaying charts and figures on a white board

DNA of a CPO

Today’s procurement leaders operate in a world of continuous change, learn what it takes to succeed.

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A boss talking to his employee

The modern engineer

How can engineers adapt to the rapidly changing world of work in order to remain current and employable?

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Two employees working together in the meeting room of their office

Role of an architect

We surveyed 200+ architects and industry leaders to explore the ins and outs of the profession.

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Road to construction manager

Working in the construction industry in Australia can be a rewarding challenge. 

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A digital graphic with a holographic pad lock being unlocked

Cyber security talent report

We look at the sources of, and the market for, cyber security skills and what organisations can do to find top talent.

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Employees in the meeting room of the office

DNA of a marketing director

At this pivotal time for marketing, it’s no wonder that candidates frequently ask us about what it takes to forge a successful marketing career path.

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Woman registering a vacancy with Hays

Register a vacancy

Register a vacancy or submit your hiring related enquiry now.

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