We connect with jobseekers and employers at a range of meetups and events that we host, sponsor or network at.
Find out where you can meetup with the Hays team.
We sponsor a number of tech conferences throughout the year including:
- YOW! Data Conference: the two-day conference focuses on exploring data driven technology and applications.
- YOW! Lambda Jam Conference: attracts leading software professionals that are serious about expanding their skills and staying informed of the latest trends.
- YOW! Developers Conference: learn from international experts and network with top Developers in Australia. Conferences are held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Perth.
- Girls in Tech - Catalyst Conference: is designed to celebrate women at all levels of their career in Melbourne. Girls in Tech is focused on empowerment, entrepreneurship, engagement, and education of women in technology.
We have a number of other partnerships that keep us connected to candidates in the digital space including:
- Our unique partnership with Stack Overflow us access to top talent through our ability to post jobs and search for candidates.